A Commentary on The Forty Hadiths of Imam Nawawi
Sharh al-Arba'in al-Nawawiyah
Imam Abu Zakaria Yahya Ibn Sharaf An-Nawawi
Commentary By Suhaib Sirajudin
Hardback 501 Pages
ISBN 9781916186224
Hadith is in Arabic With English Translation
The Commentary (Explanation) is only in English
Published and Printed in Turkey
About The Book
This is the commentary of the famous collection of forty hadith by one of the most famous compilers of hadith is generally regarded as the most popular anthology and the best introduction to the study of the Prophet's sayings.
Each of the hadiths included in this collection sets forth one of the fundamental points of Islam and is a genuine hadith taken mostly from the authentic books of Hadith.
About Imam al-Nawawi
Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1277) was Born in the village of Nawa in Southern Syria, Imam Nawawi spent most of his life in Damascus where he lived in a simple manner, devoted to Allah, engaging single-mindedly in worship, study, writing and teaching various Islamic sciences. .
Although best known for his works in hadith , Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1277) was also the Imam of the later Shafi'i school of Jurisprudence, and widely acknowledged as the intellectual heir to Imam Shafi'i. He was a renowned scholar and jurist who dedicated his life to the pursuit of Islamic learning.
Imam Nawawi died at the young age of 44 years, leaving behind him numerous works. He is well known for books that are easy to understand.
About The Commentator
Shaykh Suhaib Sirajudin received his Degree in Islamic theology from Darul Uloom Al Arabiyya Al Islamiyyah, Bury (UK). He then continued his studies for a Degree in Software Engineering at Blackburn College, an associate college of Lancaster University, and for his Master in Computer Security from the University of Liverpool.
He further studied for a Diploma in Counselling for marriage issues, Drugs, Stress, and Family Counselling. After completing his studies he travelled to Saudi Arabia and taught at the Jubail University in Jubail, Eastern Province.
He is the author of Master Quranic Arabic In 24 Hours', A Commentary On Nuzhatun Nazar Fi Tawdeehi Nukhbatil Fikr, Abu Guddah: Patience of Pious Predecessors In Seeking Knowledge and many other books.