Defending the Transgressed by Censuring the Reckless Against
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- Publisher White Thread Press Publisher :
- Author: Shaykh Muhammad Afifi Al-Akiti
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Mudafi al-Mazlum bi Radd al-Muhamil Ala Qital Man La YuqatilBy Shaykh Muhammad Afifi Al-Akiti Introduction By Shaykh Gibril HaddadPaperback 51 Pa..
Mudafi al-Mazlum bi Radd al-Muhamil Ala Qital Man La Yuqatil
By Shaykh Muhammad Afifi Al-Akiti
Introduction By Shaykh Gibril Haddad
Paperback 51 Pages
ISBN 9780954754013
Publishers: Aqsa Press & Warda Publications
About The Book
"Defending the transgressed by censuring the reckless against the killing of Civilians" offer some guidance on the issue of targeting civilians and civilian centres by suicide bombing. The chapter also provides an alphabetical glossary of Arabic terms.
In a Muslim state, decisions on questions relating to ceasefire, peace settlement and the judgment of prisoners of war can be taken by the executive or political authority or by a subordinate authority appointed by the former authority.
The result in Islamic jurisprudence is: if a Muslim carries out an attack voluntarily, he becomes a murderer and not a martyr or a hero and he will be punished for it in the Next World.
The delicate issues tackled in this booklet is based on an article by Al-Muhajiroun which states that those Muslims living abroad are not under the Covenant of Security that apply to Muslims living in the West.
And many questions that spring from such opinions including the opinion that Israeli women are not like women in our society because they are militarised.
About The Author
Dr Al-Akiti’s areas of expertise are Islamic theology, philosophy and science. He is preparing for publication the results of his project, ‘New conversations on Christian-Muslim political thought, supported by the McDonald Agape Foundation and Oxford's Fell Fund. He is also finishing his own book project, 'Al-Ghazali's Madnun: An Introduction to His Philosophical and Scientific Corpus, with the Text of the Major Madnun'.
Dr Al-Akiti trained as a theologian and philologist in both the Islamic and Western traditions. Educated originally at the feet of the ulema of the Muslim world, he subsequently received a First Class degree in Scholastic Philosophy and History of Science from the Queen’s University of Belfast, where he was awarded various scholarships to read for his Masters degree and then DPhil in Medieval Arabic Thought as a Clarendon Scholar in 2008.
He is the Kuwait Fellow in Islamic Studies and Islamic Centre Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford, as well as College Lecturer in World Religions at Worcester College.
Aside from his teaching and supervising duties for the University, Dr al-Akiti is the Assistant Editor of the Journal of Islamic Studies. Aside from his academic activities, Dr Afifi also carries responsibility as Orang Kaya Kaya Imam Paduka Tuan of Perak.