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Sirat Al-Nabi (S) And The Orientalists

  • Ex Tax: £89.99
  • Publisher Dar al Taqwa
  • Author: Dr Muhammad Mohar Ali
  • Availability: In Stock

With the Special Reference to the Writings of William Muir, D.S. Margoliouth and W. Montgomery WattBy : Muhammad Mohar AliForeword By : Dr. Abdullah I..

With the Special Reference to the Writings of William Muir, D.S. Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt

By : Muhammad Mohar Ali

Foreword By : Dr. Abdullah Ibn Abd al-Muhsin al-Turki

Paperback 1507 Pages

2 Volume In 2 Books

Size: 16 x 23 cm

Publisher: Dar ul-Thaqafah, King Fahd Complex For The Printing of The Holy Qur'an

This Translation in 2 Large Paperback Volumes Covers The Period Up to the Hijra Only

About The Book

The orientalists have been studying the Sirah with a view to casting aspersion on the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and discrediting his personality. Their approach has differed from time to time. Open attack and vituperation in the eighteenth century have now given way to a seemingly sympathetic approach to his life. 

In this study, the author has critically analysed the works of three famous orientalists, William Muir, D.S.Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt, and has successfully refuted the charges levelled by them against the life and character of the Prophet (S) with an erudition which the treatment of such a subject requires. 

Volume 1A Covers: From the background to the beginning of the Prophet's mission.

Volume 1B Covers: From the early phase of the Prophet's mission to his migration to Madinah.

About the Author

Dr Muhammad Mohar Ali (Father of Abu Muntasir, Ameer of JIMAS (Jamiat Ihyaa Minhaaj al-Sunnah, Ipswich, England)), was born in Khulna in Bengal, he was a scholar of Seerah and Hadith who served as a lecturer of Islamic History at the Islamic Universities of Madinah and Riyadh for two decades before moving to England.

Shaykh Mohar Ali made several important contributions in the fields of Islamic history and the spread of Islam outside the Arab world. He was the first Bangladeshi to win the King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies.

His work provided an incisive new dimension to the way Muslims view contemporary issues and their historical contexts.

In particular, he distinguished himself with his clear exposition of Orientalism and missionary activity, making Qur'anic Arabic more accessible to English speakers.


"Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower."[3:08]

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