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A Dedicated Darul Arqam Online bookshop specialising in Classical and Contemporary Muslim and Islamic books in English, Arabic and some in Urdu and other Languages. Our offices are located on 16 Thurmastone Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE, UK from where we despatch the Orders and run the Click and Collect service
Our primary aim is to provide currently available authentic works by highly regarded and agreed upon classical scholars of the past as well as other books (In English as well as Arabic) by contemporaries tackling the issues of the time.
Books by the likes of Imams: al-Ghazali, Nawawi, Ibn Taymiyah, Suyuti, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Sad, Ibn Qayyim al Jawjiza, Al-Muwardi, al-Bayhaqi, Tabriziand Others.
As well as Arabic Originals and English translations of Classics such as the Sahih Sitta, Bidayat al Mujtahid, Ihya Ulum ud Din, Tafseer ibn Kathir, As-Shifa of Qadi Iyad, Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki, Hanbali Fiqh Texts and many other books.